Our new trailer - Sundowner - Sunlit Stampede SL
30 feet long from nose to tail ~ all aluminum ~ 22' for donkeys- 8' nose and tackroom
Will be able to put two carts and tack trunks in one of the sections easily or even in the tack room...I could not get a cart inside the old trailer because of the tack compartment on the back of the trailer and the door was too small in the dressing room!
8 foot tack room including the nose that you can't see for the shadows
Inside door from tack room to back of trailer where donkeys will be
Enclosed with plexiglass all around that is removeable
All of the inside is sprayed with something like Rhino liner used in truck beds.
3 moveable sections - both inside gates swing open or move forward/back
Doors can move forward or back on these tracks to make
each section the desired size from 2 feet to 22 feet wide!The front gate swings open, or slides and also has a sliding door to go through
A view with the front gate opened
This is the door from the back section to the tack room
This view is from me standing at the second gate.
The end of the trailer and the end of the photos. The trailer only needs someone to make the ears longer on the horse on the side (LOL!) and to put our lettering on the sides.
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